An Anniversary Reaction to COVID-19 & Five Tips To Help You Cope With It
Are you feeling not quite right, and you don’t know why? It could be what’s known as an anniversary reaction to COVID-19. Research looking at individuals as well as entire communities that have faced a trauma together has found that around an anniversary of a traumatic event, people may experience an increase in feelings of distress known as an “anniversary reaction.”
A Guide To Picking and Planning for a Sustainable Home Workout Routine
Although gyms are opening back up in New York City and other places, many folks are still preparing to invest in a home practice. I have elected to do so because I don’t feel comfortable being around lots of people yelling and exhaling hard even in masks; nor do I feel good about my own grunting and sharp breaths out that send whatever cooties I might be carrying out into the air. Other people who have elected to get set up to workout at home have their own reasons. I suspect some have realized during this period that at-home workouts meet their needs better than going to a gym or studio does. Practical issues like childcare and the regular expense of a gym membership are one type of consideration. For others, traditional fitness environments may not feel inclusive and safe, whereas being at home does.