New Year, New You? Not So Fast.

Image from PixabayImage from Pixabay

Image from Pixabay

As 2018 winds down we will inevitably see a number of social media posts

  1. Asking if it is 2019 yet?

  2. Calling for New Year’s resolutions

I however, am in neither camp. As a believer in creating lasting change by moving slow and steady (when ready), I am not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. I like a model in which we make small changes as we feel ready and see fit, as opposed to trying to implement sweeping changes when the days are short, energy is low, and we may not be in fact ready to make such a change.

To those who are ready to call it quits on 2018 I say, “not so fast!” Before we go jumping into 2019, to live the dream, to be the change we want to see in the world, or to just be #blessed, I want to invite you to take a few more moments in 2018, and to reflect on the your three biggest moments from the year.

Before you go reaching for the last three things that happened, flip through your calendar or journal if you keep them, and look at all the stuff you did — all of it. The cool stuff, the boring stuff, the awful stuff.

If we are real about it the bad stuff and the good stuff both take up space in these memories. The big good memories can be loaded with emotionally challenging stuff and the big bad memories can come with positive lessons or surprising silver linings. (Not always, but sometimes.)

One of the most profound moments for me this year was when I learned about the sudden death of a member of my barbell class. This loss shook me hard, but at the same time in the weeks after I realized how deeply I care about every client and member I work with. This gave me new perspective on what I do and how I spend my days. It also showed me that I had a lot of support inside my club and confirmed that being vulnerable where I train is ok.

I have also experienced many moments of recognition for my work and the growth of my platform. These are positive memories, but they are also loaded with more complicated feelings, as I grapple with both wanting to be seen and not wanting to be seen. Just like everyone else, my feelings are delightfully messy and complex.

One of my closest friends texted me, “Actually, 2018 was not bad. It was a challenging, building, and growing year. Huzzah!” She did not have it easy this year, but when she takes stock of where she is now, versus where she was at the end of 2017 she sees change for the better.

As we wind down 2018, I invite you to take 10 minutes to reflect on the year, and the moments you found to be the most profound. Celebrate your victories. Mourn your losses. Slow down for a few moments, and give yourself the time and care you deserve.


Mini-me, Hot Cocoa, Planners, and the New Year


Do It Like You Want To Be Here