Laura Khoudari is a leading trauma-informed wellness author, speaker, and practitioner empowering change in folks’ wellness approach.
Her unique story, in unison with her training and expertise, helps her to inspire and enable people to live a full lifestyle in accordance with their own unique definition of wellness.
As a trauma-informed wellness practitioner, Laura seeks to support folks living with and healing from trauma in living a full lifestyle that is aligned with their own values, goals, interests, and strengths and is balanced among eight areas of life: physical, social, emotional, environmental, occupational, spiritual, financial, and intellectual.
Laura's work has been widely recognized by the trauma and wellness community, and she has been featured by The New York Times, NPR, Buzzfeed, UpWorthy, Outside Online, Medium, Vice, and She has presented her work for Somatic Experiencing International, The Breathe Network, Reebok, Les Mills, Fitness4AllBodies, and conferences, schools, and fitness studios in the US and Canada.

Laura’s Story
Laura's work grew out of her own experience healing from trauma, not just in therapy, but on the gym floor too. In the winter of 2014-2015 she designed a holistic program to support her own treatment for PTSD that combined talk therapy, mindfulness, bodywork, and strength training.
As she pieced together a program suitable for herself, she found that many health and wellness professionals did not fully understand how trauma impacted their clients. At the time there was a lack of understanding as to how trauma has biological, social, and physiological repercussions that affect a person's total wellness. While that was disheartening for Laura to experience, she was relieved to find a handful of wellness practitioners who were curious and wanted to learn more alongside her.
Laura read quite a bit on her own and eventually sought out teachers, trainings, and certifications on somatic approaches to healing trauma. She kept applying what she was learning; and she didn't just feel better, she thrived.
Frustrated that there weren’t more people in the fitness space who were equipped to help clients living with trauma, in 2017 Laura decided to become the trauma-informed personal trainer and coach she wished she had had.
Her holistic programs drew from body-based trauma healing modalities, neuropsychological models, psychodynamic theory, mindfulness practices, and exercise science. Her primary goal was to increase access to body-based approaches to working with and healing from trauma and to that end, she not only offered trauma-informed personal training, she also wrote numerous articles and the celebrated book, Lifting Heavy Things: Healing Trauma One Rep at a Time.
Laura's work has been widely recognized by the trauma and fitness communities, and has been featured by many media outlets including The New York Times and NPR. She has presented her work and given workshops for Somatic Experiencing International, The Breathe Network, Reebok, Les Mills, Fitness4AllBodies, and conferences, colleges, high schools, and fitness studios in the US and Canada.
Committed to learning and evolving her practice in response to both new research findings and shifting cultural trends that shape folks' wellness needs and behaviors, as well as in response to maintaining her own well-being, Laura stepped away from offering personal training services. In 2022 she became a certified Well-Being Coach and supports folks in realizing a lifestyle that balances physical, emotional, environmental, occupational, spiritual, financial, and intellectual wellness in a manner that aligns with their own values through storytelling and wellness workshops.
Laura’s Values
I am eager to continually learn about the unique experiences of others and to approach my work with an open and inquisitive mind.
You are the expert in you, and my role is to support your wellness journey as a knowledgeable partner.
I'm committed to gradually growing and to changing my practice in response to both new research findings and to the shifting cultural trends that shape folks' wellness needs and behaviors.
I work to help clients realize a lifestyle that balances physical, emotional, environmental, occupational, spiritual, financial, and intellectual wellness in a manner that aligns with their own values.
I strive to meet people where they are, to bring composure to my work, and to create safe and compassionate spaces for discovery, healing, and growth.

Credentials & Certifications
College of Executive Coaching
Well-Being Coach
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Certified Personal Trainer
Open Center New York
Certified Reiki Master
Recent Continuing Education
The Pelvis
Dave Berger MFT, PT, LCMHC, MA, SEP
Somatic Experiening Intermediate I, II, III
Somatic Experiencing International
Somatic Experiencing Beginning I, II, III
Somatic Experiencing International
In an Unspoken Voice: Yoga, Meditation, and Trauma
Peter Levine and Betsey Polatin
Practical Strategies to Foster Post-Traumatic Growth
National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
Trauma, the Body, and Brain: Restoring the Capacity for Rhythm and Play
Bessel van der Kolk and Licia Sky
Movement for Trauma
Jane Clapp
Masters of Public Administration
Specializing in Nonprofit Management
American University, 2004
Bachelor of Arts
Mount Holyoke College, 2000